Financial Wellbeing and Literacy Workshops

What is financial wellbeing, and why is it important?
“Financial wellbeing is when a person is able to meet expenses and has some money left over, is in control of their finances and feels financially secure, now and in the future.”
- There are currently an estimated 2.44 million Australians suffering from financial stress
- In the workplace, this results in two in five Australian workers experiencing financial stress during their careers – with nearly half feeling financially stressed for an average of six and a half years or more
- Employees troubled by their financial circumstances take an extra 2.4 sick days per year and spend almost an hour per week dealing with money problems at work
- This financial stress costs Australian businesses an estimated $31.1 billion per year in lost revenue
Looking at these statistics, it’s clear that financial wellbeing (or a lack of) can have a significant effect on productivity, absenteeism, revenue, and more.
Benefits of running workshops in your organisation:
- Financially ‘healthy’ employees are more productive employees;
- Help reduce personal money related stress of your employees;
- Individuals develop skills to make informed choices and take action to improve their financial well-being now and in the future which means they can be more present at work during work hours;
- Be an employer of choice with health and wellbeing services and course for your staff.
Current Workshop Topics:
- Financial Heath Check
- Financial Wellbeing: Creating Wealth Through Understanding
- Your Cash Matters – cash flow and budgeting
- Making Superannuation – Super!
- Investment 101
- COVID times – how has investment and Superannuation changed
Tailored topics – combine any of the current topics or discuss your requirements for customised topics and sessions to suit your organization and the needs.
Workshops and Training are a real passion of Money Mechanics and we are keen to provide a useful, relevant and informative series of presentations for your staff.
Presenter Background
Scott Malcolm
Scott is the Director of Money Mechanics, a financial advisory and education company with offices in Canberra ACT and Melbourne VIC. Scott is an Authorised Representative (ASIC No. 262368) of Infocus Securities Australia. Scott’s experience includes working one-on-one with a broad range of public sector, small business and consultant clients and assisting them to create and achieve a financial strategy tailored to their needs.
Scott is a true believer in ‘practicing what I preach‘ which includes investing in the property and share markets along with having his own family Self Managed Super Fund while also enjoying work-life balance! He is a believer’s that everyone should try to spend time enjoying the best of career advancement and work life as well as their family life!
In 2005 he became the first Registered Life Planner (RLP) in Australia with The Kinder Institute of Life Planning, after completing the EVOKE training program in the United States and a 12 month mentorship program. In 2009 he completed training with The Money Coaching Institute and is interested in learning all he can about the Life Planning methodology and the psychology around people’s relationship with money.
Scott has been awarded the internationally recognised CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® (CFP) certification through the Financial Planning Association of Australia, is a SMSF Specialist Advisor® (SSA) with the Self Managed Super Fund Association (SMSFA).
Through his business and training workshops Scott’s clients have included small business owners through to staff and management of government departments and public listed companies.
Scott’s passion for financial literacy has given him the opportunity to present his training workshops and seminars to over 5000 individuals.
These have been included as a guide only and are customised to suit the needs of each client. These prices are valid until 30/06/2021.
Speakers Fees
The cost of the workshop includes pre + post workshop consultation with organisers, presentation on the agreed date(s) and provision of post workshop feedback where suitable. The following prices apply to standard workshop topics. Customised topics and tailored presentations vary based on the requirement.
- Full Day Workshop (up to 6 hrs) – $6,800 incl GST
- Half Day Workshop (up to 4 hrs) – $5,280 incl GST
- One Hour Workshop – $2,400 incl GST
- Guest Speaker or key-note presentations – variable based on requirement
* Travel / Accommodation / Expenses – additional costs may apply for events outside of Canberra and Melbourne CBD depending on dates and timeframes.
Workshop Topic: Financial Health Check (1 or 2 hour session)
Demystify some of the language of money and learn the key elements of putting together your financial life plans, how your habits and attitudes around money can support or sabotage you.
Attendees will get to explore their current financial health questionnaire that illustrates areas that they need to improve or focus on to have better financial wellbeing.
Workshop Topic: Maximise Your Money (6 hours of content)
Demystify the language of money including – ‘PAYG’, ‘super’, ‘defined benefits’, ‘debt’, ‘equity’, ‘trusts’, ‘shares’, ‘SMSF’, ‘property’, ‘gearing’, and ‘estate planning’.
Learn the key elements of putting together your financial life plans, how your habits and attitudes around money can support or sabotage you. Understand how much it costs to be you and the importance of having a decision making framework when it comes to your money.
Bring your calculator to this interactive course that will teach you about different financial strategies and products to get you on the path to a better understanding of money.
Workshop Topic: Your Cash Matters (1 or 2 hour workshop)
Learn how to put together your personal money system to achieve a better handle and awareness on your money flow as well as get an understanding of personal debt and compound interest.
Attendees will gain an insight into how current money habits and attitudes in the context of their cash flow planning can be helpful or harmful and what strategies they could implement to gain a greater feeling of control over their cash flow and financial wellbeing.
Workshop Topic: Demystifying Superannuation (1 or 2 hour workshop)
Demystify some of the language of money and learn the key elements of putting together your superannuation and retirement plans.
Technical strategies such as advantages and disadvantages of salary sacrifice to superannuation and public sector defined benefit superannuation schemes in the context of your financial life and estate plans will be covered.
Past Clients
The following is a sample of the list of clients that have previously engaged Money Mechanics to present financial wellbeing workshops.
- Comcare –Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney,
- Canberra Library Tribe
- CIT Solutions Adult Education
- Wisdom Learning
- FGD Family Lawyers – Canberra and Melbourne
- PATRON Financial Advice
- Laneway Learning Melbourne
- Monash University Student Association
- 10ThousandGirl Campaign – Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne
- Office of the Energy and Water Ombudsman of Victoria
- AIDS Action Council of ACT – Canberra
- A Gender Agenda – Canberra
- Kidney Health Australia – Melbourne
- Moreland City Council – Melbourne
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)